Office Supplies Cleaner Coup

Hits:Updated:2018-05-22 09:05:03【Print】

1.Computer keyboard
Computers have become an indispensable tool in our lives and work. Many of our friends have been working, studying or playing on computers for a long time. For a long time, you will find that the computer keyboard has become dirty and dirty. There is not only a lot of dust inside, but there may be many things such as shells, hair, and soot. These miscellaneous items may cause the key sensitivity to decrease. What's more frightening is that these things are also easy to nourish bacteria. So how to protect the keyboard is something we must understand. Here are some good ways to clean the keyboard.
Blow out the sundries: Use a blower to blow in the slits on the keyboard keys to blow off some of the debris that has adhered to them.
Scrubbing the surface: Use a soft cloth dipped in detergent to scrub the surface of the keys. Please note that the soft cloth should not be too wet. Then use the vacuum cleaner's vacuum brush to re-absorb the keyboard again to suck the missing residue.
2. Monitor
Now we begin by cleaning the monitor. First, clean the chassis around the monitor screen. Do not spray the cleaner directly onto any part of the computer. This will likely get water onto the electronic components. The correct method is to pour a small amount of detergent on a soft cloth and then clean the display cabinet from top to bottom.
3. Mouse cleaning
Although the mouse is small, it is a key component. Without it, it is absolutely impossible. When used for a certain period of time, the mouse's ball and roller will be stained with too much dirt and cause difficulty in moving and clicking. The method of cleaning the equipment is actually very simple: rotate the bottom cover of the mouse and remove the ball, then use a soft cloth to clean it thoroughly with a cleaning agent; when cleaning the roller, you can use tweezers to clamp the cloth to clean it, and finally , shake the mouse twice (to shake the dirt out), reinstall the ball and close the bottom cover. It's that simple!
4. Telephone, computer and fax machine
Use cotton swabs and alcohol every day, or use a sterile paper towel to wipe the phone, keyboard, and other places where you can easily spread germs through your hands and mouth, especially the buttons and the earpiece.
5. The table
Although the surface of the desk looks very clean, the actual situation is filthy. The proliferation of countless species of bacteria is about 40,000 per square centimeter, which directly threatens people's health. Therefore, they should be wiped once a day. Dust is made of fiber, sand, and many people are used to wiping the table with a dry rag. In fact, these fine particles in the friction rubbing back and forth, will damage the furniture paint surface, over time, the furniture surface is light and rough, the surface of the scratches more likely to accumulate bacteria.
When wiping, it is best to use a cloth with water absorption, such as a towel, cotton, cotton, or flannel. Coarse cloth or stitches, buttons, etc. will scratch the furniture surface and should be avoided. Wipe the rag wet (can add vinegar in the water can also be sterilized), gently wipe the dust on the surface of the table, and then dry the water with a dry rag to prevent furniture deformation.


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