"Office Supplies" Create an Online Development Concept to Achieve New Breakthroughs in the Industry

Hits:Updated:2018-05-22 09:05:39【Print】

In recent years, with the rapid development of the Internet, its influence has penetrated into all walks of life. The development of 3G mobile Internet has become the main trend of future development in various industries. The mobile online development model of the office supplies industry indicates that China’s traditional industries have begun to move. Develop mobile internet.
The term "office supplies" is not unfamiliar to people. Office supplies cover a wide range. Pencils and papers as small as a few bucks, computers and fax machines as large as 10,000 yuan are all included. Office supplies are closely related to people's work and have formed a fixed industry. With the online development of “office supplies”, it has also driven the future trend of the industry, opening up an accurate new marketing path for the industry.
Xu Shequn, founder of the "office supplies" platform, said that there are two main costs in the traditional procurement of office supplies. The first is the inefficiency and labor intensive of the process itself. For many companies, about half of the work in a typical purchasing department is dealing with these low-value, frequent-purchasing orders. The average level of productivity in this area is also extremely low, and it is the most labor-intensive place in modern business. one. The second is scattered purchases. Most of the items that companies could have purchased collectively were bought by individual departments or individuals because of their needs. These purchases often have no discounts and do not use the discounted advantages negotiated by the company. In this situation, with the development of the Internet and e-commerce, the development of "office supplies" online is imperative.
First of all, “office supplies” are combined with online and offline development to tailor products for customers. Nowadays, many companies tend to use office supplies printed with corporate logos because they not only can shape corporate culture to some extent, but also It is also a way to promote businesses. Online sales can meet this demand of the enterprise with its flexible operation mode and a wide range of suppliers.
Second, the online development model is not limited by space and time. The "office supplies" online activity is characterized by information. Its activity space is extended with the extension of the network system. There are no geographical obstacles. It can make the distance between the market and consumers far away. At the same time, the Internet can be open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and can quickly capture the customer purchase intentions, use the database to analyze the customer's purchase behavior, provide customers with consulting, procurement and other services, but also can quickly update product information, adjust the goods Adaptability to market demand and circulation trends.
With the rapid development of information technology and mobile Internet, people's lives have already undergone revolutionary changes. The online mode of “office supplies” will also become a turning point for the industry's future breakthrough development, and it will also lead the development of the industry.


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